Defensive Driving Instructor
Become an instructor and teach drivers practical, safe-driving techniques that are backed by research and scientific data. Schedule and complete our online training at your convenience.

Getting Started
Getting started is easy! Contact Libby Miller to enroll in the Defensive Driving Instructor E-Learning program.
- Order the Instructor Resource Kit: This kit includes all the tools you need to become an effective Defensive Driving Course (DDC) Instructor.
- Choose Your Tracks: E-Learning covers the curriculum of the course, or courses, you plan to teach.
- 4/6/8-Hour Defensive Driving
- Professional Truck Driver
- Alive at 25
- Attitudinal Dynamics of Driving
- Complete E-Learning Modules: This web-based course can be completed at your convenience in about 10-14 hours. Once complete, you will be ready to teach!
- Student Materials: Order student workbooks and certificates before teaching a class.
- Stay Current: DDC Instructors must conduct at least one training course a year and pay an annual renewal fee of $65.
Frequently Asked Questions
- What's the time commitment?
Aside from teaching classes—ranging from three hours to eight hours in length—your time commitment is minimal. Before teaching a course, you'll order student workbooks and certificates from our office. Upon completion of the course, you'll issue certificates to your participants.
- Who's eligible to teach?
Most individuals who choose to become instructors are safety managers or employees interested in offering defensive driving at their company or government agency. However, this is not a prerequisite. If you're interested in teaching, reach out!
Alive at 25
To teach Alive at 25 in SC, you must have current or prior experience as a first responder or law enforcement officer. In GA, you don't have to meet these specific standards. All candidates must undergo a rigorous selection and training process to teach the program.
SC Point Reduction
We are fortunate to have an exclusive partnership with the SC Technical College System for our South Carolina Point Reduction program. To maintain this partnership and keep our program consistent and reliable across the state, we are not able to accept applications from private driving schools or trainers outside of the Technical College System except for private businesses for the purpose of training their internal staff.
- What courses can I teach?
- The Defensive Driving Course: The NSC flagship driver safety program provides participants with comprehensive defensive driving knowledge and safe driving techniques. Instructors have the flexibility to teach the course in 4, 6 or 8 hours.
- Professional Truck Driver: 3-hour or 4-hour course addresses the most challenging and unsafe driving situations for truck drivers by emphasizing hazard recognition scenarios and real-life driving situations to enhance learner’s experience and retention.
- Alive at 25: 4-hour young adult program teaches learning-to-drive and newly licensed drivers how to take control of situations by taking responsibility for their driving behaviors. (Must have current or prior first responder or law enforcement experience to teach in SC.)
- Attitudinal Dynamics of Driving and Chronic Offender (two separate courses): 8-hour advanced behavior-based courses for drivers with poor driving habits and risky driving behaviors, or those who have multiple traffic violations or had their license suspended.
“Teaching defensive driving is important to me because of how SCNSC’s program impacts drivers’ behaviors. It gives me the opportunity to be a part of the process of changing a driver’s viewpoint of operating a vehicle, and that can ultimately save lives.”
— Alva Williams
Alive at 25 & Defensive Driving Instructor
"Alive at 25 is important for our students because it teaches them how to recognize and avoid distractions while driving. The program provides high behavior standards for students which makes them more careful in general."
— Kelly Eckstrom
Teacher, Dutch Fork High School
“I teach Alive at 25 because I am passionate about helping others be equipped with as much knowledge as to their safety when driving. By teaching Alive at 25, all participants receive valuable and priceless educational information about various topics that can affect their ability to operate a motor vehicle."
— Mary Law
Alive at 25 Instructor
Alva Williams Alive at 25 & Defensive Driving Instructor
Kelly Eckstrom Teacher, Dutch Fork High School
Mary Law Alive at 25 Instructor
Defensive Driving Products
Get Started

Libby Miller
Contact Libby Miller to register for the Instructor Certification Course and order your Instructor Resource Kit.